Noba Stud/o


Reminiscence of Circassia



NOBA STUD/O is a modern brand inspired by the past of the Adygs/Circassians, their history and culture, but at the same time based on the nowadays achievements of contemporary culture, science and fashion.


We present traditions not as a museum relic, but as an integral part of modern global culture, easily implementing some of their elements into today’s life.

About Brand

Noba means ‘today’ from Adyghe language. It is ‘today’ that stands between the past and the future, between yesterday and tomorrow, combining historical heritage and aspiration for further development and movement forward.


Within the framework of the modern brand we demonstrate some elements of the richest Adyghe culture, centuries-old achievements of intellectual and spiritual development of the ethnos, its aesthetic ideas, the undisputed constants of which were elegance, fine taste and noble restraint.

Project author, historian and designer T. Kobleva


Let’s cooperate!

We are always open to new ideas and collaboration with congenial stores.

Send us an e-mail and fill the form below.

We will get back to you as soon as we can.